The Ra’s al-Hadd (Oman) Project
The first field season of the Greek Archaeological Expedition to Ra’s al-Hadd in Oman, took place in December 2004 and January 2005 under HSNES sponsorship in collaboration with the Aristotelian University of Thessalonica and the University of Macedonia with the approval of the Omani Department of Antiquities.
The work focused on the coastal town of Ra’s al-Hadd and its environs. It included a rchaeological investigations of the medieval Islamic port and fort and e thnoarchaeological studies of the modern communities at Ra’s al-Hadd, Ra’s al-Jinz and the surrounding area.
The expedition team consisted of Dr Konstantinos D. Politis, Project Director and HSNES Chairman, Dr Nikolaos Efstratiou, Associate Professor of Archaeology, Aristotelian University of Thessalonica, Dr Georgios Papaioannou, HSNES Secretary-General, Dr Foteini Tsibiridou, Assistant Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Macedonia and Ms Rania Da’a a Greek-Arabic translator from Syria.