American Institute for Yemeni Studies
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara
British Institute of Persian Studies
British School of Archaeology in Iraq
Center for Archaeology of Middle East Landscape (CAMEL)
Council for British Research in the Levant
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics
Le Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa
Mosaic Centre – Jericho
The Mosaic Centre in Jericho was established in 2000 as part of the “Requalification and Valorisation of the Tourist and Archaeological Resources of Qasr Hisham” project, funded by the Italian Cooperation and administered by the Italian NGO Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud (CISS), in cooperation with the Palestinian Department of Antiquities (Palestinian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities), under the scientific supervision of Prof. Michele Piccirillo of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. The main objective was to train specialised personnel in all aspects of mosaic production, with particular attention to ancient mosaics conservation.
In 2007, UNESCO begun a three-year partnership with ICCROM for the “Preventive Conservation of Endangered Museum Collections in Developing Countries.” The focus of this partnership was on the documentation of collections and access to storage in museums. It was felt that these two issues required stronger political support and the major involvement of decision-makers at both institutional and professional levels. ICCROM responded by developing didactic tools and methodologies, and by creating international networks. RE-ORG is the end result of this partnership.
HSNES is indebted to and the Seminar for Arabian Studies for providing most of the above links.
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
Hellenic Society for Near Eastern Studies
Seminar for Arabian Studies
Society for Arabian Studies (for more details contact: The Society for Arabian Studies, c/o The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH, UK.)
Society for South Asian Studies
HSNES is indebted to and the Seminar for Arabian Studies for providing most of the above links.