The Greek Language in Jordan: Inscriptions Past and Present
An exhibition of ancient Greek inscriptions found in Jordan was held at Jordan University in Amman from 6-31 May 2001. The idea for this exhibition originated from similar interests which Drs Dimitrios Karadimas and Konstantinos Politis had about the numerous ancient Greek inscriptions in Jordan. The event was realised through their great personal effort and with the support of the University of Jordan, Jordanian Department of Antiquities, the Greek Embassy in Amman and the HSNES. The Department of Cultural Relations of the Greek Ministry of Culture funded the exhibition catalogue.
The dominant use of the Greek language in the Levant from Hellenistic times was made clearly apparent, as was the fact that local Semitic peoples as well as Hellenic settlers were using Greek.
The exhibition’s success is leading the HSNES to organise a similar event in Greece. Discussions are underway with the Greek Ministry of Culture and the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities for such an exhibition.
Greek Language in Jordan: Inscriptions Past
and Present